Volume 1 Number 12

March 1997
History Project Finished
Hemet Library Has Lake Hemet Papers
The Hemet Public library, using funds given to them by the State of California, has just completed a project of significant meaning to the local area including Winchester. The papers of the Lake Hemet Water District were given to the library a few years ago. The grant from the state allowed the library to hire Phil Brigandi, a local historian, to catalog the papers and to make up a reference book. The papers have much valuable information in regards to the formation of the communities in and around the San Jacinto Valley. We will soon be looking at them as they have many references to Winchester. If you plan to look at these papers it is required you call ahead to the library.
Thank You For Your Support
We would like to thank the Hemet Area Museum Association for their donation to our cause. The donation will be put in the general fund to be used to further our quest to preserve Winchester history.
This month we also received many historically significant articles and a book. The book, "A Tale of Four Cities" was written and published by students of the Advanced Placement U.S. History Classes of Hemet High School. With their advisor, Suzanne Mastroianni, they have produced a remarkable addition to our books of local history.
Articles came to us from Phil Brigandi this month dealing with the history of the Methodist Church and some early pioneers to Winchester. Also we received a copy of an article that Mr. Bill Strobridge, A Wells Fargo historian, wrote about Winchester. Mr. Strobridge also informed me an article will appear in the Southern California Quarterly, the journal of the Southern California Historical Society. If anyone gets this journal we would love a copy of that article.
Mary Whitney Article To Be Run
The PLOUGHSHARE &PRUNING HOOK was recently asked by Mary Whitney who wrote the book "Fortune Favors the Brave", if she could write an article for us about the connection between Winchester and Valle Vista (Florida). The obvious answer of course was a resounding YES since she is so knowledgeable in regards to this part of the local history. Starting with our next issue we will be publishing the article in its entirety. The article is six pages long so it will take time to publish it all. If you would like a copy of this fine article without waiting it will be available soon. We would like to send a special thank you to Mary for her time and effort.
Historical Tidbits From Our Past
The following tidbits were taken from the San Jacinto Register of 1893.
02/02/1893 Next Sunday evening Rev. J. P. Ralstin will preach his semi- monthly sermon at I. O. G. T. hall.
02/02/1893 One of J. A. Campbells large white horses died last week. Prior to this loss Mr. Campbell was the owner of the largest and best matched team in the valley.
02/02/1893 Wm. J. Haslam returned from Los Angeles the first of the week after a stay of several days in the metropolis.
02/02/1893 The quail season is nearing its closure and local sportsman report birds very scarce. During the past season I. R. Lovejoy has shipped to market sixty-seven (67) dozen quail. This is the best report we have received.
02/09/1893 Wm. Haslam went to Redlands Friday on business returning the following day.
02/09/1893 G. Glodfelty returned from Phoenix Arizona Friday. Mr. Glodfelty reports times dull in the Arizona metropolis.
02/09/1893 P. W. Stockleger, of San Jacinto, was in Winchester on Friday last inspecting the 4,000 prune trees being set out by R. H. Miller. He pronounced them to be the finest lot of trees he had ever seen.
02/09/1893 Died--On Saturday, February 4, 1893, Walter Chester, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beardsley.
02/09/1893 Quite a number from this place went on the excursion today to San Diego to attend the Junior World's Fair.