Volume 2 Number 8

November 1997
Patterson House to Get New Roof
Our goal has been met! Thanks to a check for $630 and the pledge of a $1000 which check we have now received the historical society can now let to contract the new roof for the Patterson house. On behalf of the society we would like to thank all of those who contributed to this endeavor. All that remains now is for us to award the contract to 1 of 4 firms who have given bids to do the work. The plans are that the work will be done no later then the last of December. Again this year we will be putting plastic sheeting over the broken windows. If all goes well and funds can be raised we plan to replace all the damaged windows by spring of 1998. With the addition of the windows we may be able to open the grounds for tours and visits.
Area Pioneer Passes On at Age 100
October 18th saw the passing from us of another pioneer family member. Lelia McCall died in Texas. She along with her husband moved to the Mennifee area in 1925. Both her and her husband were very active in the Winchester United Methodist Church. For many years she was the church organist. She also was active in the Winchester Women's Club and served af their President. Her husband served as a county supervisor for many years. We send our condolences to the family and to all who knew and loved her.
Alamos School Reunion Date Set
The date May 16, 1997, the place is Lake Skinner and the time is 10:00 A.M. and some 300 people or more are gathered to renew old friendships and recount old stories. Are you going to be there? We have just been informed that all the old Hyatt Alumni are also being invited to attend. Now if you are of either of these old schools and want mor information we urge you to call MiMi Milholland at 909-926-5080 as soon as possible. She is also looking for any and all information about the old schools. She plans to put together a book of some kind for all to remember this event.
Historical Society To Pay Property Tax
Thanks to a quirk in the laws of the State of California we must still pay property taxes on the Patterson house. When the Kinneys donated the house to the Historical Society the county set a new value on the property thus increasing the taxes from when they bought it in the early 1980's. We have of course appealed this decision but it takes up to 2 years to get a hearing. So begrudgingly we are sending the county a first installment of $499.97. We are also working on getting the property exempted, but again that is a slow process. We will keep you informed of our progress.
Historical Society Happenings
This past month saw the society have the chance to share our local history and gather some more of our history. We were asked by a firm doing work for the County of Riverside to pinpoint some significant historic sites in the Winchester area. They are doing work to establish a guide to help draw tourists to the area. Another opportunity that we were given was to speak before the Winchester United Methodist mens group about the history of the church and the community.
An interesting piece of memorabilia was recently donated to the society. We received a call from the Hemet Area Museum Association about a trophy that was donated to them. They asked if we would like to have it since it was part of our history. We of course said a definite yes to that question. The gift was a trophy that was given to the original V.F.W. post in Winchester. If anyone has further information on this trophy please let us know. Below is the inscription:
Armistice Day
Owen Graham
Post 9488 & Aux.
Winchester, Calif.
We would like to thank the Hemet Museum for this gift. We hear that they will soon be opening the doors at the old Hemet Train Station. Stay tuned here and we will let you know when they plan to open.
Historical Tidbits From Our Past
04/20/1893 Work on the irrigation ditch is "just a booming!" Five and one half miles more of the ditch has been let to contractors and the board is advertising for more bids. It is expected that the ditch will be ready to receive water June 1st.
04/20/1893 Joe Mentnay met with a very painful accident while working on an irrigation ditch last Monday. In some manner the lever to a four-horse scraper came loose and struck him in the breast making a frightful wound.
04/20/1893 A very pleasant social time was spent at Olive Green (near the intersection of Lindenberger Road and the Salt Creek Channel....ed.) last Friday evening, it being the occasion of a farewell party to Miss. Agnes Lindenberger. The evening was spent in games, etc. Among those present were: Misses Tilla and Jessie Patterson, Lucy Helphinstine, Clara and Maude Richmond, Amanda and Hulda Sodengreen, Angie Remsburg, June Nutting, Florence and Ida Stillman, Etta McEuen, and Inez Loveland; Geo. M Pearson, C. W. Patterson, Chas. And Clark McEuen, Wm. Guthridge, Wm. Helphinstine, M. Z. Remsburg and Ovington Case.
04/20/1893 Two men, G. H. Richmond and A. L. Creider of San Jacinto have entered the race against F. L. Loveland of Winchester for supervisor in the fifth district. They may both be surprised at the speed the old granger may develope between now and May 24.---Riverside Enterprise.
04/20/1893 A. L. Creider is an Independent candidate for Supervisor for the 5th district. Mr. Creider will poll a big vote in these diggings and will run Mr. Loveland, the non-partisan nominee, a neck and neck race down the political home stretch on election day.
04/20/1893 Wm. Jones returned from a business trip to Los Angeles last Saturday. While in that city he purchased a first class hay press, showing his confidence in this year's hay crop.
04/20/1893 Miss Minnie E. McEuen, having visited her relatives here during the last week, returned to the Normal school (now U.C.L.A.) at Los Angeles to resume her studies, Monday morning.
04/20/1893 Our people will be treated to a rare stereoptican exhibition at the M. E. church tomorrow (Friday) evening. The collection of views are highly spoken of.
Let's Talk Turkey
Why is turkey called "turkey?" Her are 3 possible explanations:
1. Columbus thought the land he discovered was connected to India, a land populated with peacocks. He believed the turkeys were a type of peacock (instead of a type of pheasant). So he named them tuka, which is "peacock" in the Tamil language of India.
2. The American Indians called turkey Firkee.
3. When the turkey is frightened, it makes a noise that sounds like "turk, turk, turk."
Did you know that the heaviest turkey raised may have been a 75- pound bird raised by a turkey farming company in 1967.