Volume 2 Number 9

December 1997
Contract Given for Roofing Patterson House
Service First has been awarded the contract to put a new roof on our museum, the Patterson House, and they should have the job done by mid December. We would like to thank all those who contributed to this endeavor Our next goal is to repair all the windows and doors. It is hoped that by next spring we can open the house to visits on a limited and guided basis.
Newsletter a Success But at a Cost
Our newsletter has been accepted and our mailings increase each month. As of this date we mail over 60 each month to people who have shown interest in our goals. We also print over 100 newsletters that are distributed into the community. As of this date however the newsletter account is over $200 in the hole and is being published by the editor. The cost of printing and mailing is about $6.20 per year. It cost about
$75.00 a month to publish everything we print. This price includes the flier we created this year called "Winchester, Then and Now". The flier gives a brief history of the community and seems to be a hit. It is being used by the business people of the area to give to visitors and customers. If you would like to make a donation to the publishing of these items please send your donations to the Winchester Historical Society at P.O. Box 69, Winchester, California 92596-0069.
V.F.W. Trophy Information Found
We asked last month for information about a trophy that was donated to the historical society by the Hemet Area Museum Association. Julia Young called the society with some information. Kenny Young was the designer of the float that won the trophy that day in 1947. She also provided us with news clippings of the event and we
have made copies of them and created a story board. Among the items we copied was the formal institution and installation of officers for the newly formed Owen Graham Post #9488. This program had many ads from Winchester, Perris, and Hemet. Julia also loaned us many small articles about the post that we copied. We are in the process of getting copies of 4 pictures she loaned us and hope to make a display of all this information.
Thanks Julia and Kenny for your help.
Merry Christmas from all
of us at the Winchester
Historical Society of
Pleasant Valley
Question of the Month
Can anyone tell us when the first alcohol was sold in Winchester?????