Volume 2 Number 12

March 1998
Alamos School Renovation to Commence
It was recently noted in the legal notices that the County of Riverside Regional Park District was taking bids on the renovation of the 1900 square foot Alamos School. It appears they intend to turn it into an interpretive center. Part of the renovation will to be make it less vulnerable to earthquakes. The work will not be completed before the scheduled reunion in May of former students but this is a step in the right direction for this old school.
Historical Book on Sale Again
It was announced this last month that the fine historical book "San Jacinto Valley - Past and Present" published by the Hemet - San Jacinto Genealogical Society is now in reprint. They are planning to print only 300 copies. This is a very fine book if you desire the history of the area. The cost of the book is $65.00 and more information can be had by calling Mary Allred at (909) 658-6153.
Tilla Patterson Hudson and Wells Fargo
As many of you know we have documented that Tilla worked for Wells Fargo and Co. From 1892 until 1918 at least. We also know she was the longest serving female agent in the State of California. It has come to our attention that the Patterson House we are restoring may be the only Wells Fargo agents house still standing today in California. With this in mind we are contemplating a request to Wells Fargo to help us in the restoration of this house. In the request we need to know if any of our members have accounts with the Wells Fargo Bank. Those of you who receive our mailing each month could help us greatly if you would send us a note letting us know if you have an account with them. The Historical Societies account is with them so we know of at least one. Also some of our members at our last meeting indicated they also had accounts there.
Never deprive someone of hope, it may be all they have.
Patterson House Renovation Update
As you all know the roof of the Patterson House was completed in December of last year. We have been busy taking bids on the restoration of all windows and doors. The final bid is in and it is hoped that work can start soon. We have about $1000 to start this project. There are 17 windows in the house and 4 doors that lead to the outside that all must be restored. We are planning on making them appear as they did when the house was built in the 1890's.
We now have a bid that appears to be very good. We can now start our fund raising for this part of the restoration. We will need $300 per window to do the job excluding the painting. I am sure we can do the painting on a volunteer basis. For each person, business, group, or family who would like to buy a door or window the cost is reasonable now. We plan to mark each door and window with your information. Let us begin.
Hug children after you discipline them.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who'll never find out.
Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures
Historical Tidbits from Our Past
The first newspaper in Winchester was the Ploughshare and Pruning Hook. Probable first day of publication was April 23, 1891.
According to the book "History of California Post Office" by H. E. Sally the following information is stated.
Rockhouse Post Office: It was a 4th class post office and was open from 5/24/1880 to 10/5/1882 and again from 2/13/1883 to 2/23/1887. It was named for the structure that housed it, a rock house.
Winchester Post Office: It was opened on 2/23/1887 and is still in operation today. It was named by Santa Fe Railroad for a pioneer farmer. The Post Office Department says Daniel H. Clark was the first postmaster, moving over from "Rockhouse" and serving until 10/14/1890. The San Diego Post Office shows Elizabeth Rice as the first Postmaster.
05/11/1893 D. H. Miller is getting ready to begin work with the new combined harvester he purchased for this seasons crop.
05/11/1893 Monday the sky was heavily clouded, and the next night {it didn't rain} the Pleasant Valley brass band played "Hail Columbia."
05/11/1893 Since May 2nd the small army of kickers that reside here have ceased to pour forth their eloquence.
05/11/1893 As an example of what the soil here can produce attention is called to the forty acre prune orchard belonging to R. H. Miller. He planted 4,000 prune trees three or four months ago and every one of that large number are thriving with the exception of about eight.
05/11/1893 Hon. W. M. Casterline has been appointed director of division No. 1 of the irrigation district to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Chas. Sweatt, on account of illness. The appointment is a good one and we believe now with Mr. Casterline on the Board matters will run more smoothly. There has been to much county division, politics and personalities in the board in the last three months and now that election is over probably the directors can work in harmony and for the best interests of the district as a whole and the people who elected them to look to the welfare of the district instead of politics and county division. By all means let us have harmony and plenty of water.
05/11/1893 Supervisor Loveland is at the county seat.
The following are from the area known as Diamond Valley. This area is now part of the M. W. D. project.
05/11/1893 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Black, of San Jacinto, and Dr. Chas. Browning, of Highlands, were the guests of D. M. Browning Saturday.
05/11/1893 Several prominent strangers with the view of purchasing land gave us a visit Monday.
05/11/1893 Mr. Frank Hemiway was seriously injured by accidently falling from his mower Monday.
"Sweet vale avoca!
How calm could I rest In thy bosom of shade with the friends
I love best,
Where the storms we feel in this cold world should cease
And our hearts like thy waters be mingled in peace" Moore
So thought we with the poet as with well filled baskets and streaming banners and songs upon our lips we landed upon our favorite picnic grounds. All honors upon this most joyful event was due our ladies. Much praise was due Miss Anna Kendig in exhibiting her well trained scholars in the way of songs and speeches. A vote of thanks with our best wishes was tendered her.
NOTE: The County of Riverside was created in early 1893. This is why there is mention of county division. ed.
Bits & Pieces
From a magazine dated October 1967.
Egotism is hearing a phone ring in Grand Central Terminal and being sure the call is for you.
Remember when we worried that teenagers at a drive-in movie might spend the evening not watching the movie.
A decorator is someone who can look at an old piece of junk and know immediately whether it should be a lamp or a planter.