Volume 3 Number 1

April 1998
Windows And Doors For Sale
As was mentioned in last months newsletter we have begun the restoring of all the windows and doors in the Patterson House. Each on will require about $300.00 to fix. In order to do this we plan to sell each door and window and place a suitable plaque denoting who paid for each. We are enclosing a layout of the house with each newsletter for those who wish to help us. If you have any questions about the program call us at the number later in the newsletter. Thanks in advance for your support.
Historical Items Donated
The historical society at its last meeting was donated some Winchester history. Among them were a 1975 article about the selling of the Woman's Club building to the church, a postcard,
a I.O.G.T ribbon, and an old commemorative coin marking the 50th
anniversary of the founding of Wells Fargo. The coin was given to each agent who worked for the company in 1902. The coin was given to Tilla Patterson and was donated by Norman Smith who knew Tilla as a child. The ribbon was from probably the late 1890's and was presented to "Rockhouse Lodge #1" of Winchester California. The I.O.G.T. on the ribbon stands for The Independent Order of Good Templers. This was a group that advocated temperance from any alcoholic beverage. In the late 1800's. Winchester was a temperance town.
These and many other items will be on display in May at the Alamos School reunion and the annual Pioneer Picnic in Hemet. Again we thank all of those who have donated items to the society.
Winchester School History
A recent article in a local newspaper brought to light some of the
early schools in the area. Looking at the article brought forth an interest to trace the roots of education in the area. The first listing of any school we have so far found shows a Ella F. Bailey as a school
teacher in the Pleasant Valley School District. This is referenced in the San Diego Union issue dated November 10, 1882. The society has an old photograph that is undated that shows an old wooden building on the north side of Winchester with a teacher and kids in
front of it. We also know that a bond issue of $3500 was passed in 1889 to build a new school at the site of where it is today. The new school was a two story brick building and a picture of it is at the San Jacinto Museum. In a book called "Riverside County Calif. Names
and Places" there is a reference to a school at Rockhouse in 1884.
Anyone who can add to this is asked to get in touch with the society.
Volume 3 Number 2

May 1998
Patterson House Restoration Continues, First Door Sold
The first door of the Patterson house has been sold to a former resident of Winchester. The door that entered the dining room from the rear of the house will be designated with an appropriate plaque with the following inscription "Everett Blackmore Family". The
Blackmore's and their children were friends with Tilla Patterson Hudson for many of her later yours. The Blackmore family once owned the store at Winchester road and Simpson. Other doors and windows are still for sale at $300 each if you would like to honor a
loved one or family. We are happy to announce that at least 2 windows upstairs have been designated as "Community Windows" and as such will have an plaque thus naming them accordingly. The idea here is if you wish to donate even the smallest amount you will have your name in a place of honor at the house. We plan in the future to have available near these windows a scroll showing who donated to theses windows. So if you can only afford a small donation you to can be honored. All donations are tax deductible. All donations should go to the address below. Thank you for your
Dates to Remember
Alamos & Hyatt Schools Re-Union, Saturday, May 16, will see the gathering at Lake Skinner of people who attended these two schools over the many years they served the French and Auld Valleys. More information is available by calling (909) 926-5080.
Pioneer Picnic
The annual San Jacinto Valley Pioneer Picnic will be held on May 25that the Valley Wide Regional Park in San Jacinto. Grab your memories and your picnic basket and join others who have been in the area for many years. All are welcome to come even if your a
newcomer and the coffee is free. The festivities start about
8:00 A.M. and last until the coffee runs out.
Historical Tidbits From Our Past
05/18/1893 Dr. C. S. Dickson was in attendance at the meeting called for the purpose of organizing a County Medical Association, held in Riverside last Saturday.
05/18/1893 The water in the north ditch reached Winchester last Saturday. The "vitalizing fluid" has been a long time reaching this town, which makes it all the more welcome. As soon as the ditches are thoroughly soaked active preparations for irrigation will
immediately begin.