Volume 3 Number 7

October 1998
Web Page Being Developed for Society and Community
Well folks we are joining the cyber age and developing our own web site. The site will tell of our areas history and what is happening today. We also plan to list other area historical groups and sites in the surrounding areas. Another possible service it may include is local special historical events. If you know of a group, site, or information to add please contact us at the places mentioned later in the newsletter. The temporary site location with all of its commercial banner ads and promotions is: http://www.
At the moment it is still under construction so excuse the debris
and the spelling and grammar mistakes. Eventually it will be moved to
a local server that will have no commercial banners The best guess
estimate for completion is mid November or as fast as these old fingers can type. See you at the site and please sign the guest book.
Protecting History Does Matter
New Printer Bought
Thank you California Lottery. By a set of circumstances the editor of this newsletter bought a lottery ticket that was worth $150. So needing a printer for his own use and one the society could use, a new Hewlett Packard Deskjet 672C now sits in front of him. This will enable us to print at least the first copy of the newsletter and other documents for the Society. This will also help us in the near future to reach another goal of making the Patterson House and property a historical landmark.
Patterson House Update
The winds that brought havoc to the valley this past month also seem to have wrecked some havoc on the property as well. Some of the trees could not take the pressure and toppled.
We also this last month did an eradication of some termites thanks to the generosity of the gentleman who is doing the restoration of our windows and doors. Thank you Chris Forcier for your contribution.
The window and door restoration is still ongoing with another window purchased this month. If you would like to help us in this reconstruction project please contact the society.