Volume 3 Number 11

February 1999
Yes folks the web site for the Winchester Historical Society is up and running. You will have to pardon the dust and somewhat messy atmosphere as we continue to build it. At the present time it has areas for the Patterson House Museum, The Winchester Methodist Church, the Domenigoni Valley Reservoir Project, and old photos. We plan to add some other pages including present day events as they occur. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to get in touch with us by e-mail, slow mail, or phone. If you visit the site would you be so kind to sign the guest book located at the bottom of the first page.
Patterson House Update
The first window is complete and in place. It even has shiny new glass. Our contractor, Chris Forcier, informs me that the doors and other windows should be in place soon on the bottom floor. As of this writing all windows and doors on the bottom floor are sold and one window upstairs has just been bought by the Winchester United Methodist Church. If your interested in helping us finish this phase please contact us as soon as possible. We would like to be done with this phase by spring so we can open the grounds to visitors. Listed below are the windows and doors sold to date. A plaque will be added to each at a later date.
Pat Patterson
Penny Nicolas
Winchester Woman's Club
Winchester Home Owners Association W.H.O.A.
In Loving Memory of Clarence & Angie Patterson
In Memory of Kenneth W. Young
The Robert Domenigoni Family
Norman Smith
In Memory of The Rheingans Family
In Loving Memory of Tilla Patterson Hudson
Everett Blackmore Family
Winchester United Methodist Church
Post Office Update
We dug through some files and found this information. It was given to
a student, Lu Olivas, in 1947 by Tilla Patterson Hudson.
The first post office was established as Rock House, San Diego County California on May 24, 1880. Angelo Domenigoni was appointed postmasteron July 25, 1882. It was re-established February 13, 1883 and Daniel H. Clark was elected postmaster on that date. The name of the post office was changed to Winchester, Riverside County, California (The County O Riverside formed in 1893 so the post office was still in San Diego County till that time). The postmasters were as follows:
Elizabeth J. Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .January 23, 1887
Mary E. Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26, 1889
Benjaman McEuen . . . . . . . . . . . . October 11, 1890
James Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 28, 1895
Sadie Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 11, 1898 Homer Remsburg . . . . . . . . . . . November 21, 1902
F. L. Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 14, 1906
Elizabeth J. Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . February 7, 1907
Henry C. Noble . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 2, 1907
Cyrus A. Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . December 22, 1908
Charles Blackmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September ??
Edwin F. Lindenberger . . . . . . . . . . March 12, 1913
Lillian Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 27, 1917
Florence M. Lindenberger. . . . . . . . . April 19, 1919
Everett C. Blackmore . . . . . . . . . .October 14, 1924
Grace A. Blackmore . . . . . . . . . . . . January 1, 1931
and is still serving.
Benefit Planned
On the night of January 14, 1999 a fire broke out in the home of long time Winchester resident Carol Ballinger Akins. The fire destroyed the home and killed all of Carols pets. Sadly it also killed her 91 year old mother who she was taking care of at the time. Our condolences go to Carol and her family on their loss. A benefit is set to help Carol in her time of need. 

Click to the right and top for the rest of the story

February 6-7, 1999
8 AM - 2 PM
Winchester Road just south of 9th Street
If you would like to help with this benefit stop buy or bring your bake
goods any morning. More information can be had by calling Cindy
Williamson at (909) 926-2540.
The Historical society is setting up a fund for Carol if you desire to send a check or money order. Make it out to the Winchester Historical Society and mark on the bottom "Carol Akins Fund."
Thank you for your support
Who We Are
The Ploughshare & Pruning Hook is published each month by the
Winchester Historical Society of Pleasant Valley. The sole purpose is the
let the community and others interested in preserving our history a glimpse into our past, present, and future history. We can be reached by mail at P.O. Box 69, Winchester, California 92596-0069, by phone at (909) 926-4039, or by email at Donations to help support this newsletter and other activities are tax deductible as a gift to charity. We also accept gift writings about our local history and will
publish them as space permits. Guest speakers and displays are available
upon request.
Meeting Date & Time : February 15, 1999 - Winchester Church Annex - 33005 Taylor Street - Winchester, California - 7:00 P.M.
Historical Tidbits From Our Past
The items below were given the wrong date in our issue of December
1998. The corrected dates are included in the items below.
08-30-1894 Mrs John Stuart of Winchester, spent Sunday with Mrs. W.
P. Fowler, and remained over to attend the Citizens' meeting Monday evening. Mrs. Stuart is the Populist candidate for County School Superintendent, and she is entirely capable of filling the office in an efficient and satisfactory manner.
08-30-1894 A tremendous thunderstorm visited the section lying south of Diamond Valley Sunday evening. The lightening was of the "chain" variety and seemed to split the heavens in two with often three "chains" at one time.
08-30-1894 Winchester is to give a Delsarte* entertainment Friday
evening, August 31st. *O. K. all what is "Delsarte?" Give me a definition and win a free 1 year subscription to the newsletter, as if we charged for it anyway.
Winchester Enterprise
Co-operative Creamery for this Place Now an Assured Fact
Winchester is to have a creamery. The capital stock necessary for the erection and equipment of a first class butter and cheese factory has been subcribed by a number of the enterprising men of the valley and work will begin on it as soon as possible.
How was it secured? P. L. Griffin, realizing that a great deal of land in this valley is admirably adopting to dairying, made the first move toward securing it. Creameries elsewhere were visited, and their methods and the advantages derived from them were carefully studied.
When it became certain that one in this valley could be profitably operated, R. W. Sweet, the representative of a large and reliable Chicago firm, whose business it is to erect and equip co-operative creameries was invited to look over the field. This he did and assisted
by F. T. Lindenberger, canvassed the valley to ascertain the feeling in regard to the establishment of one in this place. The plan was enthusiastically received, and within a few days stock was subscribed to the amount of $5,600, which is ample for a fully equipped butter and cheese factory, operated on centrifugal system.
This separator has been demonstrated to be far superior to the
old system. With it all the cream is extracted from the milk, which can be
ripened at the factory and all the butter is obtained from the cream. Again, all impurities are expelled from the cream by the separator, thus enabling the factory to produce the finest grade of butter.
This article was from the San Jacinto Register of Sept. 27, 1894 on microfilm at the Hemet Public Library. The second half will be published next month.
Question of the Month!
Some of you may know the answer already but lets try and test you. The creamery was built and functioned for some time. Can you tell us where it was located. We can give you a can of genuine Patterson House sawdust left over after the termites ate up some of the old window wood. Now how is that for a deal of a lifetime.