Mr. D. M. Browning and Mr. Reeves returned from Highlands Wednesday, where they had been visiting the past week.
Mr. J. H. Whitlock and Bennie Garboni, have accepted positions at the Walker ranch visited the Valley Sunday.
Rena Pew, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pew, while playing on a work bench near the house, fell and broke her left arm just above the wrist. George Whitlock soon took her with his swift trotter to Dr. Toland, which set the bone in a short time. One bone was broken and the other was bent so that it had to be broken and set also. From the last report the little girl was getting along nicely.
Mr. Prather and wife visited friends at Juniper Flats over Sunday.
Mr. John Gilmore with his mother of Santa Ana, and Mr. and Mrs. Branch of the Hot Springs took a trip to his mountain ranch Saturday returning Monday. The weather is most to cold to enjoy a mountain trip.
Mr. Pew and Enoch Prather have been digging a well on the Clark place. They say they had some pretty hard digging before they struck water.
Several deer as well as "dear" have been seen around the valley lately.
Mrs Gibson received a letter from Mrs. Spence from Springfield Ohio, in which she says "we have scarcely seen the sun since we reached here. The children are homesick and want to come back. Perhaps California is about as good a place as any, after all.
John Reeves, who is working at the Webster ranch, spent Sunday with the home folks and several of his girls.
We hope our subscribers will bear with us for a few days more at least until our carriers, of which we have three, Archie Bundy, Paul Henry, and Milton Kauffman, have learned their routes 

---10/04/1894 San Jacinto Register
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The Ploughshare & Pruning Hook is published bi-monthly by the Winchester Historical Society of Pleasant Valley. The sole purpose is the let the community and others interested in preserving our history a glimpse into our past, present, and future history. We can be reached by mail at P.O. Box 69, Winchester, California 92596-0069 or by phone at (909) 926-4039. Donations to help support this newsletter and other activities are tax deductible as a gift to charity. We also accept gift writings about our local history and will publish them as space permits. Guest speakers and displays are available upon request.
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