Volume 4 Number 1
April 1999
Wells Fargo Bank Buys Last Windows
We are happy to announce that the last door and all the windows have been purchased. On Monday the 17th of March we received a call from the History Department of Wells Fargo Bank asking us how many windows were left and when they were informed that we had five left they purchased all of them. The last door upstairs has also been sold to a Patterson Family member. A complete list of all windows is enclosed for all of our subscribers. Our goal of opening the grounds on a regular basis is quickly coming true.
Our contractor informs us that amongst the stuff he found while looking through a storage area is an additional three interior doors for the upstairs area. Anyone who did not get a chance to buy a window or door can still participate by sending a check for $300.00 for one of these doors.
Upon inspection it has been found that some little creatures by the name of termites have been busy at work over the years. Very soon we are going to have to tent the house and eradicate them bugs. A bid of $800 has been received thus far and we are looking for other bids. Thank goodness these termites are not on someone's endangered species list.
The check for the second half taxes on the property in the tune of $320.95 has been sent to the County of Riverside. Hopefully once they get the paperwork done most of this money will be returned to us so it can be used in further restoration efforts.
Lastly we have been in contact with the group that is restoring the Estudillo Mansion in regards to who is doing there earthquake retrofitting and since like them the Patterson House is brick we can share their engineer. More on this next month.
Wasted Energy
On March 18th the Hemet News ran an article about the small Egan Cemetery located on the west side of Hemet. This cemetery was the last resting spot for many of our early pioneers including Lloyd Patterson, Mary Rawson, and an Uncle of Tilla Patterson Hudson's. The picture in the paper showed that some very misguided people had climbed the fence and toppled every standing marker. How sad! Plans are underway to move those buried there to the main cemetery located in the San Jacinto/Hemet area. The San Jacinto Cemetery District plans to place these relocated graves in the older section so that they may rest with others who came here in the late 1800's. If you desire any more information you may call the district at (909) 658-4923.
Hopefully when this move is completed these souls can rest in dignity and honor free from vandalism.
History Class Offered
A special class is being held at Riverside Community College on the early history of Riverside County. This three class course will be taught by Steve Lech. If you want more information call (909) 222-8090. You can visit Steve's web site at
The cost of the classes is $45 and is an evening class.
Coming Events
Winchester Homeowners Association - April 1st - 7:00 P.M. at the Annex.
V.F.W. Breakfast - April 9th and 30th - 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at the Post.
Winchester Historical Society - April 19th - 7:00 P.M. at the Annex.
Junior Diabetes Poker Ride at the Domenigoni Ranch. April 24th.
Winchester Homeowners Association - May 4th - 7:00 P.M. at the Annex.
Alamos - Hyatt School 1999 Reunion - May 15th - Lake Skinner. For more information call MiMi Milholland at (909) 926- 5080.
Community Center Update
The building that was donated by the Domenigoni Family Trust a few months back has been delivered to the park site. Thanks to the efforts of Sam Goepp, our industrious park manager, the district is saving money by using the help of the California Division of Forestry work crews. Also local people have volunteered equipment to aid the project. The building which measures 80' X 120' will have an office, kitchen, and a large open area for games and functions. The building should be completed in six months.
A big thank you goes to the County of Riverside for waiving the fees associated with many elements of the park project. A plus that has come from this is that the school and the park will both have sewer hookup to a trunk line that runs down Olive Avenue.
A New Project
Now that we have the means to secure the house so that the elements can not do damage we are moving forward into a new area of endeavor in order to finish the restoration. The next elements will take a lot of work and money. First their is the fact we must retrofit it against future earthquakes. Also the interior needs major work to repair the damage that has occurred. We also intend to remove all the stucco from the outside and replace the bricks and mortar as needed so that the house will appear as it did when completed in 1891.
Now to accomplish this we will need to find funding sources that are way beyond our means at this time. So in the weeks to come we plan to try to have the house and grounds designated a "National Historic Place", thus allowing us to go for grants and other gifts. We will try to keep you informed of our progress and if you have any suggestions or hints feel free to contact us.