Volume 3 Number 12

March 1999
Patterson House Doors and Windows Installed
Folks it is starting to get exciting. Our contractor has installed some of the windows and all but one of the doors. He has informed me that by mid March all the bottom floor will be completed. It looks so fantastic to see this treasure come alive again after years of sitting idle.
We are happy to announce that since our last publication another two windows have been paid for. A former resident bought a window in memory of the Goodheart, Hull, & Arlington Smith families. The other window was bought by the relatives of a Patterson family member. We now only have five windows and one door for sale. Our goal is to have the house secure by spring some time so we can open the grounds for tours.
As a bonus we were fortunate to find almost all of the original hardware for the doors and windows, which have been stripped of all the old paint and appear as they might have looked when installed in 1891.
Web Site Growing
The historical society web site is up and running and growing every day. It currently has nearly 50 pages including all of the old Ploughshare & Pruning Hooks but one. It is hoped that in the future we can add a picture page of the local business establishments. But for now you can visit the site and take a gander at some old pictures, find some information of the history of our area and link up to other sites in our area. If you stop by would you be so kind as to sign the "Guest Book" for us.
The web master for the site does have a request from you though. We need some pictures of the old Hyatt, Diamond, Benedict, and Harmony Schools. We also need some photos showing what Winchester and the surrounding areas looked like. He has informed us that he will scan them post haste and return them to you via slow mail and as an added incentive will be happy to send you a disk of your pictures in the jpg. format.
Benefit A Huge Success
We would like to thank all of those who took the time to set up the yard sale, those who bought, and those that donated. Over $1800 was raised in the two day event and with other donations we are sure that this figure will grow. It once again proves that a small town can come together to help their own out in a time of need. Again thanks to all that participated.
History To Hit The Road
The Winchester Historical Society has been invited to join with other local groups honoring the discovery of gold in California 150 years ago. The event will be held at the Hemet United Methodist Church on March 20th. The church is located at 530 S. Buena Vista in Hemet. We plan to show some of our gathered history including the Wells Fargo coin and a turn of the last century doll. For more information contact the society at the numbers listed below.
Dates to Remember
As a new feature we are attempting to add a calendar of events to our monthly newsletter. Please help us by letting us know what is being planned in the area. March dates are as follows:
4th Winchester Homeowners at the annex at 7:00 P.M.
12th The new community center starts being erected at the park behind the school.
14th and 28th Breakfast at the V.F.W. 8 A.M. to 11 A.M.
15th Historical Society at the annex at 7:00 P.M.
20th History on the road.
Coming Events
Coming April 24th the Domenigoni Ranch will once again host the Jr. Diabetes Poker Ride. All you riders who are interested should make your plans now and keep this date open. The month of May has two major historical events to look for. The Alamos-Hyatt School Reunion at Lake Skinner May 15th and the Annual Pioneer Picnic at Valley-wide Park in San Jacinto on May 31st. For more information on these two events contact the society.
Winchester Enterprise Part II
This is an important enterprise for this town and valley. Owned by a local company, its profits will directly benefit this place. A large amount of cash will be felt in all lines of business. It will advance the value of land and centre trade here. Alfalfa and stock fodder will take the place of much of the large grain acreage, and the farmers will be led into a more profitable system of farming. But it is impossible to enumerate all of the advantages to be derived from a well managed creamery here. All concede its importance and think that will be the turning point in Winchester's history.
A meeting of the stockholders was held at Miller's hall yesterday afternoon, at which time a committee to locate the factory was selected, an executive committee elected and other important business transacted.
Following is a list of the stockholders, nearly all of whom were present at the meeting: F. T. Lindenberger, P. L. Griffin, A. Doniengoni, John Patterson, W. J; Haslam, W. D. Clark, I. M. Gibbel, Anton Domenigoni, Claude Kirkpatrick, Wm. Kirkpatrick, Mr. Cook, A. G. Kirkpatrick, B. W. McEuen, A. Gibbel, A. J. Haslam, D. A. Haslam, Winslow S. Haslam, P. Milliken, John Nicholson, J. C. Nutting, F. L. Loveland, D. Hickox, D. O'Leary, and R. P. Winters.
The location of the creamery has already been fixed. The executors of the Miller estate very